FW-ddumper [ROOT] Android Tool
Firmware Dumper, the program for rooted devices based on Android
This program will extract the sections of the Android file system,
the so-called /dev/block, the backup of partitions to an external sd-card:
Extracting partitions:
- boot
- cache
- recovery
- userdata
And so on...
Also, the program is designed to quickly reboot the device in modes:
Recovery Reboot
Quick Reboot
Quick Reboot [ROOT]
Support Forgotten WiFi Password Recovery
The ROOT Checker mode is enabled when the application is started
=== Requirements ===
- The device must be rooted.
If you do not know what it is,
most likely your device is not rooted and the application will not work!
- To extract system partitions, you must have installed BusyBox
To run the application, the system must have utilities:
dd - to copy partitions locally
nc (netcat) - data transmission over the network.
These utilities can be installed during rutting,
and installing BusyBox
If an error occurs, if there are no data files, install BusyBox
=== Reboot the device ===
- Click on the "CP" - Control Panel tab.
- Click on the desired icon.
=== Backup of system partitions ===
- Go to the /dev/ tab
- Select the list of blocks in the program menu
- Click on the export button on the SD Card or export to a computer from your network
- On the computer, start the reception with netcat
The program contains a shell terminal for entering commands
- Display of local variables, getprop, netcfg,
Attention attention! AdMob SDK is integrated into the application.
Google services track ad banner identifiers to improve Google services.
So I can not affect the contents of the banners, if it seems offensive, or you disagree with the rules
Google services - just delete the app.
If you do not agree with the above, please remove application from your device if it seems unacceptable ...